We all know that having a routine is really important for both our physical and mental health. So let’s chat about your night time routine
Night routines can help us: Manage stress, create regular sleep wake cycles, allow the body to recover and replenish, help the body digest and breakdown food to fuel.
How to set up a good evening routine:
- Come to Class! What a better way to unwind and say goodbye to the day than expending any excess energy in class with us. Book in on Mindbody and get your night routine started right.
- What relaxes you? Key to a successful evening is figuring out what you need to unwind and relax. Essential oils, shower, candle, reading? Whatever it is incorporate it into the routine.
- Write it all down! Dump everything onto notepad; worries, stresses, happy thoughts, what you need to do the next day…everything. Get it onto paper, then decide what is a priority and what isn’t and clear your mind to set you up for a stress free night’s rest.
- Structure it: Break your night up by dividing portions of time to complete and Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 12.26.38 pm.png you need to get done before bed. Try and stick to your plan!
- Allow for flexibility: We know life can get in the way of even the most rigorous routines so it’s important to allow yourself space to breathe and adjust your schedule as needed.
- Test drive and adapt: Give your routine a test run over a few evenings and change it as you need-it may not work with your lifestyle and that’s okay! Keep adjusting as you need until you find the perfect routine!
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